Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Empress Strikes Back!

The Empress Strike’s back!

By Edward Pines


On June 7th, 2008 former Sen. Hilary Rodham Clinton suspended her campaign and endorsed Barack Obama, effectively sending Sen. Clinton back to coddle her constituents in New York. As many thought they had seen the last of Hilary in 2008, we were reminded the Force is still strong with the Clinton Order early this December. I awoke to read the front page of my newspaper this morning to see Hilary behind President Elect Obama, along with a very interesting array of Characters making up his cabinet. For my humor and to keep the Star Wars theme going we will call them the Jedi Council.

Jedi Master Obama made an interesting but not suppressing choice when he chose to tap Sen. Clinton to take the post of Secretary of State. Even thought there was a bitterly fought final month of the Democratic primaries Sen. Clinton’s support brought out Clinton voters by the bus load. No doubt the fact that Angry, Robotic Sen. McCain was as appealing as Caviar to a Vegan played a major role in former Clinton supporter’s decision to support Obama but what brought Hilary on board? What concessions were made to get the Clinton machine not to work against the Obama campaign when he was hurting most, right after the primaries were over?

Although, the Jedi Master undoubtedly is Obama and won, one could argue the Empress Stuck back with the nominations of former Clinton Storm Troopers Eric Holder, Janet Napolitano, Susan Rice and Bill Richardson. All either got their respective start from the Clinton administration or significantly improved their respective clout during “Slick Willie’s rein. Now, at the end of the day does the dog wag the tail, or does the tail wag the dog?

With less than a month under Obama’s belt, this writer has one question. Even though Obama cabinet is shaping up to be a diverse melting-pot of Bi-Partisan Unification and “old fashion” consensus building, will the Damn hold back the torrent of Democratic personality, or will they sink his ship?

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Letter from the Blogger

Ok, so due to the inability of Myspace and Facebook to convey my thoughts and then allow appropriate comments, I have established this Blog. I am starting this with the ideas of a forum of discussion on appropriate topics of the day that not only affect my life but those around me. At this point it does represent a narrow view of the small bubble others around me and I live in but as I develop and grow I will put my best talents forward and guide this forum to be a place to vent my favorite past time hobby… Political Discussion.

Please enjoy yourself and enjoy what I have presented for you.
