Monday, February 23, 2009

A letter to the Editor

By Edward Pines

As a Medical Marijuana Patient I felt vindicated when I read the article “Many in drug Sting lack military ties” February 23rd, 2009. Bonnie Dumannis and the other group think parasites of San Diego falsely, pathetically and without warrant troubled many in the Medical Marijuana community, by announcing ‘Operation Endless Summer’, a drug sting aimed at the ‘Drug Polluters’ who pray on the poor, defenseless and weak military (Huh)?? As Dumanis stated “Don’t mess with the Military, We want to protect them as they’re protecting us” from the above titled article.
Absolutely, I could not agree more with that statement but as with everything else that spews out of Dumanis mouth we learn, might not be the whole truth. It turns out, little if anyone involved is affiliated with the U.S. Military, further it turns out Agents, used a false recommendation (similar to a doctors prescription-illegally-they had to falsify the information they provided to get the paperwork-this would be like giving a 17 yr old a government issued fake id to go after minor cigarette sales), asked the drivers of Medical Marijuana delivery services in San Diego (because the very ‘competent’ board down here won’t let a legitimate, brick and mortar store to open) to deliver to neighborhoods that normally would not request this. Thus, placing the neighborhood in extreme danger, not because of a dope delivery Service (Imagine Spicoli with a backpack) but the multiple DEA, ATF Agents in the neighborhood with Automatic weapons, attempting to bust non-Medical Marijuana oriented individuals that had handguns and Meth. Imagine if a gun accidentally discharged, while an officer was reaching for his Taser, it could happen.
So it was Dumonis and her posse who endangered the military and their families, deploying a “drug busting” unit in an otherwise peaceful Pacific Beach neighborhood. Finally, San Diego is the last county who objects to Medical Marijuana in California, against voters, against the courts and against the tax payer’s wishes. This city leads a pointless witch hunt against Medical Marijuana users and their access to state approved legal medicine, a right that has been upheld, when the Supreme Court refused to hear Walters v. Conant in 2003. This upheld Doctors Rights to recommend this useful medicine.
Now imagine the benefits to the local tax base from this. In a recent MSNBC documentary a Marijuana dispensary owner stated he paid over $900,000 in tax’s to both the Federal and State government, imagine what the cities would receive.

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